推荐一波chase和american express的信用卡,年底大家消费需求会上来,各家都有一些好的开卡福利。refer成功率高,如果public申请奖励更高的话可以联系我match,有任何问题欢迎留言。


chase最近很给力,各种新福利,还发了一张Chase Freedom Flex替代旧的Chase Freedom。 但是由于5/12的存在,对于申卡比较多的朋友来说就不是很友好了,新卡只能通过转卡获得。

Chase Freedom Unlimited

无脑神卡,无年费,所有消费1.5%积分,配合CSR新推出的Pay Yourself Back的1.5倍报销,可以做到所有消费2.25%。
从9月14号开始,Chase Freedom Unlimited新增福利:Chase UR预订旅游消费5%,吃饭和药店3%,无需额外注册,也没有任何消费限制。
另外2021年12月31日之前可激活DoorDash的免运费服务DashPass,前三个月免费,后九个月半价优惠;2022年3月之内所有lyft消费5% cash back。
现在申请Freedom Unlimited开卡三月内消费满$500有$200开卡奖励,新神卡用户首年前$12000超市买菜消费(不包括target和walmart)有5% cash back,点击链接申请Freedom Unlimited

Chase Freedom Flex

chase将在9月14号推出的freedom新卡,替代原来的chase freedom,所以chase freedom已绝版,此卡所有用户只能持有一张,强力反制了之前拿好几张freedom薅5%的做法。
除去跟原版freedom一样季度性的5% cashback,此卡也拥有freedom unlimited的新增福利:Chase UR预订旅游消费5%,吃饭和药店3%。
同时一样的2021年12月31日之前可激活DoorDash的免运费服务DashPass,前三个月免费,后九个月半价优惠;2022年3月之内所有lyft消费5% cash back。
另外这张卡是MasterCard,享受所有Mastercard福利,比较直接的就是如果你用这张卡付话费,每年两次的手机丢失损坏报销(up to $800 per claim and $1,000 per year,$50 deductible per claim), 详细MasterCard福利点击这里.

American Express

American Express他们家信用卡独有的offer系统不错,最近比较好的offer有Shop Small Business满$10返$5(up to 5 times),大华99 Ranch还有贡茶之内的很多奶茶店都算Small BUsiness,点击查看Small Business商家分布和Amazon满$100返$10(up to 2 times),可以看看自己是不是target的用户,赶紧加到自己的卡上。

Blue Cash Everyday® Card

无年费,返现超市买菜3%(up to $6000 per year in purchases),加油和百货商场2%,其余1%。开卡15个月内零利息,此卡返现为cash back不是运通点数。
10/07/2020前限时offer:开卡6个月内消费满$1000奖励$100,外加前六个月内Amazon购物20% cashback(up to $200),点击链接申请Blue Cash Everyday® Card

Blue Cash Preferred® Card

Blue Cash Everyday® Card的升级版本,年费$95, 返现超市6%(up to $6,000 per year in purchases),加油3%,其余1%。开卡12个月内零利息,此卡同样返现为cash back不是运通点数。
12/10/2020前限时offer:开卡6个月内消费满$3000奖励$300, 外加首年免去$95的年费。
现在American Express的referral link点进去可以申请所有的信用卡,随机会出现非常好的offer,像Blue Cash Preferred® Card的这个限时offer就是随机出现的,你下次再点链接可能就看不见这个offer了,所以看到了就赶紧申请吧,想试试手气的可以点击链接看看有没有好的AMEX信用卡offer

作为雪城五次郎(五次过Road Test),我觉得本人非常有必要有责任有义务写这么一个雪城路考指南,造福学弟学妹. 如果有任何疑问,欢迎在文末追加评论.


在路考之前,你首先得通过笔试(Written Test)拿到drive permit,有了permit以后还需要预约一个5小时的Pre-licensing DMV Class,上完课以后获得听课证(Certificate),才可以预约路考.




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为了尽可能避免逃税漏税,每年税务局会从我们工资里暂扣一部分金额(Tax withheld)作为我们预交的税款.等来年的春天(大概2月初-4月15日)的时候再统一清算应该交的税款,多退少补.

对于我们F1的学生来说,根据中美税款豁免协定Article 20(b),我们从学校拿的的津贴和奖学金(scholarship / fellowship)以及中美税款豁免协定Article 20(c)我们每年$5000之内的薪资收入都是不用交税的,即Tax-exempt amounts under a tax treaty.


所以我们需要把钱要回来! 报税===退税!

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Now we have a local Ionic web app and a Linode VPS where we can run our web app remotely, so here I am going to upload the local web files to Linode VPS.

FileZilla FTP Program

Here we are going to use FileZilla to upload our web files to our server. FileZilla is an FTP(stands for file transfer protocol) used to download/upload files from/to a server. It’s a free program and works on both Mac OS X and Windows.

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Choose Linode as my cloud hosting provider

Linode is a Cloud Hosting provide high performance SSD Linux VPS. I choose Linode because of the stability of its services.

Sign up

Visit my referral link to create an Linode account. Don’t forget to use promo code LINODE10 to get $10 sign up credit.

Select plan

Sign in and select a Linode plan and data center, as shown below.

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Today I am going to build my first ionic project with Instagram API. Because it’s easier to just get data from API rather than SQLite or local storage.

Create a blank Ionic project

Install Ionic

Ionic is a framework based on Node.js. Make sure you already have installed Node.js.

$ npm install -g cordova ionic

Follow the Android and iOS platform guides to install platform dependencies you need.

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A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child.

Typically binary tree is used to define a labeling function on the nodes, which associates some value to each node. Binary trees labelled this way are used to implement binary search trees and binary heaps, and are used for efficient searching and sorting.

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Here I just list few common issues for now I encountered when I use Git and Github.

How to get a Git repository

For example, I need to get the Jacman theme for this blog.
I need to get to my blog’s local themes folder:

$ cd blog/themes
$ git clone https://github.com/wuchong/jacman.git jacman

How to update files from Git repository

For example, I want to update Jacman theme, I can:

$ cd blog/themes/jacman
$ git pull origin master

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